For those of you who saw our old homepage, you'll notice that there are a lot of changes. The old one was too complicated and we hardly ever updated it. We've decided to simplify. This site will mainly be a place for us to put up pictures of our vacations, our families and a few other things. A little less talk, a little more action. So without further ado, enjoy!

Elena's favorite lirics


"Poets are probably the most generous people on earth. They give away what they treasure and prize most. I think that when a true poet succeeds in deeply voicing a personal feeling, in some inscrutable way it becomes a feeling common to all men. If there were five minutes in the life of each one of us, then we would say that poetry is life and life is poetry."

Rasul Gamzatov

The links on the left will take you to some of my favorite poetry. I recommend finding a time when you can relax, be a little introspective and let it sink in. There’s some good stuff here, and I’ll try to add more every now and again. Let me know what you think in the guest book. Although I myself am more of a closet poet and rarely feel comfortable sharing the things I write, I’ve decided to include some of my own poems written many years ago. While including some of my own stuff, I have no pretension of being on the same level as those others I have posted. That explains, perhaps, why mine are at the bottom. Anyway, the last link leads to the only poem of mine that I’ve ever had published, "For my Soul Mate". When you click on the link, you'll then need to enter my name. Enjoy!

Nate Eyre







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